Category: getting around

Nursery Essentials for Minimalist or Travel Parents

Nursery Essentials for Minimalist or Travel Parents We are finally parents! One of our main concerns was always which nursery essentials are best for minimalist parents. As travel parents, (and full time digital nomads)  we always want to carry ONLY the essentials. But when you have a baby, “essentials” takes a whole new meaning. Long gone are the days of traveling with just our backpacks […]

7 Sustainable Practices for Digital Nomad Parents + Travelers

7 Sustainable Practices for Digital Nomad Parents + Travelers 7 Sustainable Practices for Digital Nomad Parents + Travelers: seems impossible, but it’s actually easier than it seems! THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS, MEANING I RECEIVE A COMMISSION FOR PURCHASES MADE THROUGH THESE LINKS, AT NO COST TO YOU. I ONLY RECOMMEND PRODUCTS AND PARTNERS I ABSOLUTELY TRUST, BELIEVE IN, AND WHOSE PRODUCTS/SERVICES I USE […]

A One Day Itinerary For Big Island Hawaii

Itinerary For Big Island Hawaii This January we visited Hawaii on a cruise and even though we knew we would love the cruising experience (sailing the pacific had been a long dream of ours) we were not sure we would get enough time to actually enjoy the big island Huwaii. To our surprise, even with little planning, we were able to do a lot in […]

Cómo fuimos de Johannesburgo a Mozambique en autobús + Visa en llegada

Cómo ir de Johannesburgo a Mozambique en autobús + Visa a la llegada Una de las razones por las que Mozambique parece tan desafiante, creo, es la situación del transporte público (por tierra) en el país. Por esta razón, decidimos explorar la costa sur en autobús: y no, esto no significa los cómodos autobuses como greyhound con aire acondicionados que puedas imaginar, aunque no siempre […]

Cómo decidimos pasar un mes en Mozambique.

Cómo decidimos pasar un mes en Mozambique. Mozambique es probablemente uno de los lugares más exquisitamente animados que he visitado. Por supuesto, nuestro tiempo aquí se ha dividido en muchos destinos diferentes en todo el sur del país, y nos hemos esforzado por conocer y ver todo lo que podemos de esta área. Creo que esto ha agregado profundidad y dimensión a nuestra experiencia y, […]