Tag: culture

Memorial Day Weekend 2019 – Mexico Yoga Retreat

As you may know by now, Mexico is one of my favorite countries ever! Which is why I am so excited to announce our next retreat. I’ve joined forces with my good friend and amazing yoga teacher Summer and together we have put together the most amazing 6 day vacation : A Yoga, Wellness and Culture retreat in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Cuernavaca is only about 2 hours […]

Egipto: Primeras Impresiones

Egipto: Primeras Impresiones Egipto fue un viaje ENORME en términos de cumplir sueños ya que mi otra mitad es amante a la historia y siempre había querido visitar este legendario país y sus pirámides. Fue nuestro primer país africano y esto marcaba un gran momento para mi vida de viaje: ahora había estado en los 5 continentes (aunque solo en Fiji en Oceanía). Dicho esto, […]

Egypt: First Impressions of me and my husband!

Egypt First Impressions: Egypt  was a HUGE bucket list item for us, mostly because my significant other loves history and had dreamt of visiting the pyramids since forever. It was our first African country and this market a great milestone for my travel life: I had now been to all 5 continents (although only to Fiji in Oceania).  That being said, we were disappointed by […]