Tag: beach destination

5 beaches you should visit in Mauritius

5 you should visit in Mauritius beaches you should visit in Mauritius It’s no secret Mauritius is known for its many beaches. With 330kms of coast, the island has no shortage of exciting and varied beach destinations to try.  We spent a week in the south of the island, and another in the north, and visited a different beach almost every day. Call this excessive, […]

5 playas que tienes que visitar en Mauritius

5 playas que debes visitar en Mauricio No es ningún secreto que Mauricio es conocida por sus numerosas playas. Con 330 km de costa, la isla no tiene escasez de destinos de playa emocionantes y variados para probar. Pasamos una semana en el sur de la isla y otra en el norte, y visitamos una playa diferente casi todos los días. Llamémoslo excesivo, pero en […]

6 Must Do Activities In Ensenada, Mexico

1. Watch the Sunset I know that Sunsets are a special time of the day, any day, anywhere; at least that’s the case for me. But if there’s something special about the West Coast of Mexico, it is the sunsets. It’s a full hour long show, at the very least. You better come with a LOT of battery on that Iphone, or your solar charger […]